*Warning: The research and Process section has numerous records.*
I Recommended opening the sidebar and click the label of Research and Process.
Then, you can see the whole research as separated and tied up.
Finding unhomely space to program my room as an office or study room
Exploring abandoned space or space I have ever used in a different way.
I have ever tried to explore the space that furniture made except for my childhood. All of those space is not normally used by people or used in a very specific way. As the furniture is made to support the human body and their purposed action. So there are spaces that we did not really notice for using as those are not designed to use. These kinds of the guideline of using furniture waste the unused space or shape people cannot notice to use it.
All of those experiments are written as an Ethnography.
At first, I was trying to find out somewhere I can explore without any past memories. For this experiment, What I want to find out is how working in this space valued in different space and how it impacts my ability to concentration level for work. At this moment, I was wondering how memory with multi-sensory experience are combined and affects my working time.

How about design furniture as equipment to make your routine?
Separate your behavior to separate your life. It is about making your work, rest, and entertaining time-zone.
25th of Febrary tutorial w. Mike.
-Bathroom pics sensational
-Rule-breaking, anxiety is like an unwashed plate in the wardrobe (Mary Douglas)
(Culturally effects on the psychological reaction on the situation, how we deal with objects.)
- HSBC office reduce to 40%
- What if I work outside of the office, it would be less valued ? or more valued ? or the same?
- New context of the relationship between people, place, and object/thing
What I can do the experiment within the context.
My portable office
A bag from Sainsbury
A Tripod
A portable table
A laptop
A clock
1st of March _Friday 2:00 pm
First time working outside
My work schedule is up to when sunlight is on.
I started to document work around 2:00pm
My first direction where I was facing is [ <--- ], but sunlight bothered me so I started to move a bit to avoid sunlight.
A little bit moved.
The screen looked black as sunlight, but my face was burned. So that I had to keep this posture.
+While working from green, I got attacked by loud lock music. A group of students near me turned music on and down constantly.
-people are doing different thing in the green
- Feeling good
- I wrote some pieces of an essay here - concentration good.
The same day, 4:00pm
There is an owner of this bystreet, he checked what I was doing and my personal properties.
After checking in, I started to document work on my project.
When I moved, he appeared again. And checked my bag and the office again.
I tried to finish the writing about my project and organized my thoughts.
The owner of this space played out with a squirrel's body during I working from his space, bystreet.
That is the hardest part to keep work in this unused space from people.
If we do not use, animals are the owner. And I was the obstructor.
I feel like space does not important matter but what is around you,
and how you are protected by them is important part of working from anywhere.
3th of March_ Sunday 2:30 pm
Second time working outside
As this day was Sunday, people are not many near Canary Wharf and also at Deptford DLR Station.
It was raining.
As raining, I wait to go outside work until 2:30pm from the morning of the day, It kept raining.
So that I decided to go out to experience working anywhere on a rainy day.
I had a conversation with a passenger who is asking me
'Are you working in here?'
We were having 3mins conversation about working from home and my nationality.......why?
After I work here for almost 20mins, I moved to Canary Wharf.
I was trying to do productive work there,
but I was too embarrassed to continue searching this space to work. TBH.
The spot I was tried to work was the walking path for the guards.
We had a short conversation
About the reason, I can not do work there.
It is because the building is a huge property and it is private property.
And they said that protect building and workers are what they are doing, and HSBC wants to protect their building strictly. Also, he said you might stop by guard wherever near company. All of the companies have guards in Canary Wharf.
The space they did not stop me was under this bus stop.
I tried to write a piece of thinking about my project, guards kept watching me.
Honestly, it was embarrassing. And sitting in the street makes me feel very weird.
7th of March _ Thursday 2:30pm
Third time working outside
I found an unused interspace between buildings near my home.
I went there and tried to write about my project and organized work I have done.
I worked here for almost 1hours.
At first, It was hard to sit at this bystreet.
I feel like this is the pathway a rat or mice will use.
When I sit at there, it was okay.
After time passing, it was too cold.
Especially I felt cold at my foot and my legs as the ground were cold.
And kept wind was out from the ground.
When I arrived home, I checked video that I took.
I find out a man goes back to his house as I sit at the bystreet and use the space.
- I felt this might be aggressive action for people who live there.
Like homeless people occupied the street with their property.
Whenever I walk by them, I feel I have to be careful to do not to invade their home.
The man is the dweller near the space, he could not use the space because I occupied the space.
And I think he might do not wanna disturb me,
I guess it is the feeling ' I do not want to invade your space, and do not want to disturb you'
Radical design
Private Space that people never disrupt
Emotional design - office - psychological issue
Control and Psychological effect.
Hoodie / Umbrella / Raincoat / Ikea - How those items could lead the future working life post-pandemic.
100 words essays
1. Umbrella
2. Raincoat - written by Mattew Belmonte